Sports Premium

Physical activity has numerous benefits for children's physical health, as well as their mental well-being. It increases self-esteem and emotional well-being and lowers anxiety and depression. Children who are physically active are happier and more resilient and it can have wider benefits for pupils and schools by improving behaviour as well as enhancing academic achievement.
The government is committed to ensuring that children have access to at least 60 minutes of sport and physical activity per day, with a recommendation of 30 minutes of this delivered during the school day. The PE and Sport Premium can help primary schools to achieve this aim. It is allocated directly to schools so they have the flexibility to use it in the way that works best for their pupils.
PE and Sports Premium funding is based on the number of pupils in years 1 to 6, by using data from the school census that takes place in January every academic year.
If you require more information on PE and Sports Premium please click on the link below
Schools must publish details of how they spend the PE and Sports Premium funding by the end of the summer term. Please see below how the funding was spent for the academic year 2023 to 2024.