Science Curriculum


Science at St Erth aims to make all children excited and curious about the material world.  

We teach the substantive knowledge - the products of science: the concepts, laws and theories and the disciplinary knowledge by learning how scientific knowledge is generated and the process of working scientifically. Therefore children will not only know the science but also know the evidence for it.  

Children will practice their skills and understanding so what is learnt is accessible and not forgotten. Children are immersed in scientific vocabulary, to aid their knowledge and understanding.

Future Science careers and hobbies will be discussed. Teachers will endeavour to raise children’s aspirations by providing positive role models and discussing stereotypes. 

We promote an understanding and respect for the universe.

Our belief is that aspirations and appreciation of science should not be limited by Special Educational Needs.  Thought and effort is taken to ensure that learners with SEND are included in all aspects of learning, both academic and practical, progressing their skills and having high aspirations in what they could do in the science field.



Teachers ensure long term plans give full coverage of, ‘The National Curriculum programmes of study for Science’ and, ‘Development Matters Curriculum’ in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Sequence of lessons will show previous learning, progression of concepts taught and when appropriate a topic composite.

As a core subject sufficient time is allocated for both the substantive and disciplinary knowledge to be taught.  This will often take place in a weekly science lesson but teachers will use cross curricular links to consolidate scientific understanding when appropriate.

Clear progression of objectives will ensure knowledge and skills build incrementally from pupils’ prior knowledge

Early years children are introduced to a wide range of vocabulary and phenomena and use of appropriate picture books, rhymes and songs to learn scientific vocabulary.

Consideration is given to those with SEND and how their learning methods and needs may differ.  Strategies used will differ according to pupil need, but will include multi-sensory methods to ensure learning takes place and an enjoyment of science is fostered.  All classroom staff are aware of the needs of all pupils, with special consideration to those with SEND. Staff are aware of the learning intent of the lesson and how to aid those with SEND within the lesson so that they progress in their learning.

The curriculum is sequenced so pupils have the necessary disciplinary and substantive knowledge to carry out practical work successfully and learn from it.

Children have time to recap and orally rehearse and structure their thoughts using scientific language.

Floor books are used to record the science learning in each class. These contain the substantive and disciplinary objectives for that class which will be highlighted show coverage and are used for formative assessment.

Quality resources will be used creating a coherent learning progression and focus on key concepts and familiar schema.  These will include Pzazz, STEM, TAPs assessment,  Explorify,  Look think talk and  It's not fair - or is it? teacher text books.

Forest schools, use of the local area and educational trips and workshops will be used to consolidate knowledge and skills taught in class.

Use of famous and local minority group scientists will be discussed


Children leave St Erth School well prepared for their secondary school science education, with a wealth of disciplinary and substantive knowledge.  They will be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge. 

Children will work collaboratively and practically to investigate and experiment.  They will be able to explain the process they have taken and be able to reason scientifically.

Learners with SEND may show their learning outcomes in alternative ways that are more appropriate to their needs ie a mind map, evidence on a computer programme, a video etc instead of a longer piece of writing. This allows the pupil to evidence their learning in science while removing the barriers to learning that they may face in certain areas.  What recording methods are used depends on the need of the individual pupil. Where composite outcomes are collaborative and class based, such as an assembly or display etc, pupils with SEND are included in a way that displays their learning and includes them with dignity and value.

Children will recognise that anybody can be a scientist or follow a STEM career regardless of ethnic origin, gender, class, aptitude or disability.

Adapting Science for SEN children

At St Erth we ensure science is accessible to SEN children by:

  •        multi-sensory approaches, including (ICT)
  •        Working with additional adults.
  •        Managing peer relationships.
  •        Adult-pupil communication
  •        Formative assessment/assessment for learning, facilitating support and pre teaching children when needed.
  •        Providing children with a scribe to support their learning.
  •        Reducing written recording, when possible, by using mind maps, discussion, and diagrams.
  •        Constant revisiting of topics to ensure memory retention.
  •        Motivating children using stimulating experiments and investigations. Allowing children to have visual and kinesthetic experiences to support their science.
  •        Displays with Key Vocabulary.